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About me

My name is Amit Kohli, I am a 5th year PhD student at UC Berkeley advised by Professor Laura Waller. I work primarily in the field of computational imaging and have a particular interest at the intersection optics and statistics. The goal of my research is to design and analyze robust computational imaging systems—ones which enjoy algorithmic enhancements but remain impervious to the inevitability of system errors and imperfect models.

Outside of research I enjoy listening to and making music; I play guitar and bass, and have a passion for producing and post-processing recorded music. I also love to be active; I dance Bhangra and play sports including basketball, baseball, football, tennis, and golf, to name a few. I especially enjoy going to watch the local Bay Area sports teams in-person! Lastly, in my spare time, I love to hang out with my family, including my brother's dog, Buster.

Fields of interests: Optics, Statistics, Computational Imaging, Signal Processing, Machine Learning.

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